Sunday, September 27, 2009

19 weeks old hatchery chicks.

I went to feed and the chickens were running wild . The pullets stay in the one pen. They have to go threw the hen house to get to the other pen, I thought they don't know it is there so I caught 4 and moved them into the other pen. They went right back to the old pen so I learned they just don't want to go into the other pen.
I should start getting eggs from the pullets soon. They are 19 weeks old today and the 4 pullets the bantam hen hatched out are 22 weeks old.


Galla Creek said...

Pat, Larry will be glad to cut the Forsythia back to nothing...glad to hear that is what need be done. Then I can leave the rose of sharon. I am going to take a better photo today so you can tell me for sure it is a forsythia...I know Larry's Mom had one but then there are two other bushes that I can't id...I will post them so you can tell me what they are. I don't like fire in the bush so I dug it up. I think it is like a weed.

Donna. W said...

I envy you those chickens. I just want two or three, but I can't convince Cliff.