Tuesday, September 29, 2009

it is out

You will be thrilled to know sarah Palin has finished her book and the title is Going Rogue. 400 pages of toilet paper no doubt.
The morning is a cool 50 degrees and will be about 43 degrees before the morning is over.
Rogue elephant is a term for a lone, violently aggressive wild elephant.


Sister--Helen said...

I will not be reading “Going Rogue: An American Life” ...which is an odd thing for be because I love biographies about people I know a little about. I still think this woman is one of the dumbest women I have ever known about...well, there might have been one woman on my Mothers side of the family,,,but no when you look at their life as a whole I think Mama's kin had her beat in the brains department.....

Margie's Musings said...

Have you read the story on Levi Johnson's interview with Vanity Fair? I will post excerpts from it on my blog. It's an amazing "other side" of this woman.