Thursday, September 24, 2009

65 years is a long time.

Clayton has made 65 years on this earth. I looked out just now and saw some sky without clouds.
the bad news is that I can remember when clayton was born, now that is old.


Judy said...

Hi Patsy, I will have made it 64 years this Sunday. I am thankful to be alive and healthy. Your rain is still here and has been since Sunday. We are totally soaked. My yard is to my knees but it is too wet to mow. No sun in sight until Sunday according to the weather. I am afraid we are going to have an early winter. Hope you are doing well.

Galla Creek said...

Good news can still tell us when a picture was taken and by whom when it was born any of the three other sisters were even born.

Sister--Helen said...

My internet and phone was down for awhile this morning...I was hoping you would have a new post by must have books