Friday, September 25, 2009

good morning NOT

My Norton antivirus was turned off again and it took me 4 hours to get back on. I think they do this to try and make me buy a new antivirus on line. I have been getting emails from them again

that I need to buy a new one on line. I think when this one expires I will get a different antivirus

enough is enough!

I have a stray dog tied up and I told Sammy to get rid of it. He said no but I bet he does if I incest.

I enjoyed the news last evening. New York's governor, David Patterson, who took governor Spitzer place after he was caught with the high price call girls, Patterson is up for reelection next year and has a 17% rating and has been ask by Obama not to run. Patterson was the governor who gave Carolina Kennedy the shaft when she wanted the vacant Senate seat in New York. Patterson is blind but will probably see the light about when the president ask you to do something it is better to do it.
Deval Patrick Governor of Massachusetts who is not blind has sent a Democrat to the senate to replace Eward Kennedy.


Unknown said...

Mike and I use AVG antivirus. It is a free download and it works 100% better that Norton...Norton drove us crazy. It was the guy that came out to work with our server network that told us this is what he had dowloaded for himself and his mother. Give it a try

Donna. W said...

AVG is great, and it's free. Same for Avira and Avast. They all work, and the computer smart guys recommend them.

Donna. W said...

Did you watch Obama on David Letterman? I've never watched or listened to any of his speeches (nor many other president's speeches), but I paid attention to every word he said on Letterman; just a lighter, more pleasant atmosphere. I'll bet that helped him out immensely.

Sister--Helen said...

I have told you I use AVG for years now...