Wednesday, September 02, 2009

again and again and again

jim Bob and Michelle Duggar of Tonitown, Ark., who have 18 children and one grandchild on the way, are expecting a new addition to their household – baby No. 19 will arrive in the spring. "We are so thrilled," says Michelle, 42. "We just couldn't believe it is happening." Jim Bob, 44, agrees: "This never gets old. We are so grateful for each child. We are looking forward to our first grand baby and our 19th child."

They are going to keep this up until the mother dies and then jim bob can get a new wife and start over, 1 ,2 and on we go.


Donna. W said...

I can't imagine anybody wanting to bring that many kids into a world as overcrowded and messed-up as ours is these days. Idiots.

Sister--Helen said...

I always thought they were missing a screw or two until I heard about octo mom and it made them seem more sane....which must mean I am missing a screw...

Margie's Musings said...

I hope Jim Bob has a heck of a job!!

Galla Creek said...

Better them than all I can say. Two girls wore me out.

Judy said...

These are the dumbest people I have ever heard of, especially her!
They are probably using the system. I would love to know how much help they are getting for those kids and now they have a t.v. show. Why does the media think we want to see octomom, Jon and Kate, or the Duggers. The media is encouraging this kind of thing by putting them on t.v.