Thursday, September 10, 2009


My sister said I thought it was amusing about Joe Wilson. What I said was I thought it was funny!I think it is funny that so called religious right people can have such racial bigotry. I also think it is Hilarius that Wilson thought he could call Obama a liar in the house and his colleague would side with him.these religious right people are so full of crap and they think we are all like they are. Joe Wilson will pay a price for his shouting LIAR at our president.


Galla Creek said...

I think he tripped over his tongue and he has crippled himself in his fall.

Margie's Musings said...

I think so too. In fact, he may lose the election over this stupidity. His opponent had a real windfall of donations to his campaign yesterday.

Unknown said...

the little kids I taught you to say.."liar, liar...pants on fire!" I think Joe Wison's pants are on fire