Thursday, September 10, 2009

Pigs in office

The president of the United States was called a liar to his face in the congress yesterday by Rep.Joe Wilson of South Carolina because he said illegal aliens would not be covered in the health bill being considered in congress!
In the heart of Dixie racism still lives in our country! Would Wilson had had the audacity to call the president a liar if the President had possessed a lighter completion? Later he called and apologized to the white house but no doubt he was forced to by his fellow members of congress.
Joe Wilson has piggish ways and you can't make a silk purse from a pig's ear.

When Wilson called the white house with his apology he had to talk to Staff Rahm Emanuel which is really great since the old south hated Jews as much as they hated uppity blacks.
So now the Republicans are saying the Democrats booed George Bush and the Democrats are saying the Republicans booed Bill Clinton so is a boo the same as shouting LIAR?


Sister--Helen said...

if anyone had dared done this to JFK this man would have been pressured out of office or old Joe Kennedy would have had a hit on him...

Margie's Musings said...

What a shame that anyone would call the president a liar in the middle of his speech. It shows what quality this president is that he let it pass.

I don't agree with everything this president is doing but I don't believe in that type of rude behavior.

I would hope Wilson would be be re-elected. But who knows, it's the deep south after all.

Margie's Musings said...

I meant that he would not be re-elected.

Sister--Helen said...

you just can't fix stupid...

Sister--Helen said...

the more I think about this the madder I get

Galla Creek said...

Maybe Wilson will be defeated this time. He is barely in office now. A vet almost beat him and maybe he can be sent home or sent to live with a soul mate like his Gov. Sanford.