Tuesday, September 08, 2009

green words

OK, I found a site that told me what to do about the green words advertisement, seems it was a game that had been downloaded on my computer, I wonder who did that sisters? so I did what the site said to do and my computer shut down, nearly had a heart attack, then it booted up on it's own so I was relieved to say the least! next I tried to connect with my dial up, it said no connection found. another heart attack! then I pushed the start button and clicked connect to and the dial up popped up. thanks be to God. I was having visions of having to call Fleta to come up and fix this machine and that would be worse than green words, blue words would be what I would hear if fleta had to fix this machine.
If you have the green word problem you can do something about it if your heart can stand the the jolt! All you have to do is search the net as how to get the green underline words off your computer.
At least I am with out green words until daughter down loads another game!
The short cut to dial up on my computer didn't work so if it still doesn't work all I have to do is not tell daughter how to connect and she can't down load any games, right?


Margie's Musings said...

Right! Sometimes it's not a good thing to share your computer. :)

Galla Creek said...

Patsy, you are really good with the computer...even if you think you are not. I work with people who can't do jack squat on the computer and they have had training. One lady leaves the email in her inbox until it is so full she can't receive mail. I guess she does not know about the delete button.

Anonymous said...

Yay! I'm glad you solved that problem and I'll know what to do if it ever shows up here. Carmon