Wednesday, September 09, 2009

no tomato year

This is the year I failed at tomatoes first thing happen we bought soil that was bad then I pulled the plants and started over. sammy went and pulled a bunch of green tomatoes after I told him not to because they were to early they rotted on the porch. now I have a few green tomatoes on the vine and I think it is to late for them to ripen. this year has been a total failure for me and tomatoes.


Donna. W said...

I had lots of tomatoes and canned plenty of them, but blight has pretty much killed the plants now.

Sister--Helen said...

It's a good thing brother had some

Judy said...

It was not a good year for tomatoes here either. I had a few plants and mine are still green, too. I think it was too wet here.

Galla Creek said...

I guess you could try fried green ones.