Friday, September 18, 2009

The R word and Obama
OK, I will admit the comment from the white house about no racial hate intended by The Joe Wildon of this world left me feeling that our President left me and Jimmy carter out on a limb while he sawed it off behind us.
There is a blog I read often named field-negro that has called the white house wrong and Jimmy Carter right. The title of the post is THE SOUTHERN WHITE MAN AND THE R WORD.
I will post part of what he said here...
Still, I am not going to make a big deal about it. If his O ness doesn't think that the actions of any of his political enemies is motivated by race, who is some race chasing field Negro to jump into the fray? His O ness is on his own with this one. It's his "post racial A-merry-ca". After they are done talking about his daddy and posting vile images of his wife, he can hold hands with them and sing kumbaya until his heart's content.
So what we have is a current president running away from the issue of race (too uncomfortable, and not smart politically) and a former one staring it down. If there is a more hated white man in A-merry-ca today than Jimmy Carter I would like to meet him.

I had a problem calling Obama out on his defence of the race question but the field-negro had no such trouble. Obama should stand up and call it what it is. RACISM.

1 comment:

Linda said...

Patsty, the White House comment made me catch my breath for a minute too. I thought about it and this is how I see it. The White House cannot afford to say it's racism at this moment. The country is like a field of dry grass, it would only take a spark for it to burst into flame and burn everything in its path, including HealthCare Reform. They must be very careful.

Jimmy Carter, on the other hand is a former president, his word hits the press. He can call it what it is and the media will pick it up and run with it, and the White House can go on with HeathCare Reform etc.

Jimmy Carter is no fool. He's saying what the White House cannot say. It's his way of serving his country and I applaud him for it. He's a good man.

Obama has from the very beginning refused to take on the race issue because he doesn't want his presidency to be only about race. I think he's doing well with the issue. I love seeing the black children visit the White House and the his efforts for education and giving these children motivation to do better. If this all goes down in a race war he can accomplish nothing and the racists will have won.

Obama's way is best. Racists hate nothing worse than seeing progress among blacks. I want Obama to soar like an Eagle on the race issue. I don't want him in the mud pit with the racists.