Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Rain on the roof, rain on the ground rain every where. I am sick of this weather no sun just rain. I think I will go to bed and sleep until the rain stops.see you next May.

The chicken pen is a muddy swamp.


Sister--Helen said...

I am sure if you have books you have been laying in bed reading all day...you must be out of books or you would not have noticed the rain...

Donna. W said...

This is the first time I've said it this year, but we need rain. Send it north. And it had better NOT be raining at Harrison, Arkansas, this weekend. We're riding our motorcycle down there.

I hold you PERSONALLY responsible for the weather.


Donna. W said...

Ummm... can I blame it on Obama if it rains when we're in Arkansas?

Galla Creek said...

It did not rain here.