Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Remembering Ocha

A few years ago I worked with this Korean women and I have been thinking about her the last few days because her husband has died.
Ocha was a mean woman and no one wanted to work with her because she was something else. I wanted to work with her because she had an easy job and I decided when they put me to working with her I would make her like me, no easy job. She had ran off everyone who had been pardners with her.
We worked up on this ramp away in the air grading product as it came out of the freezer, no one could do the job to suit Ocha and she would tattle on you and get you in trouble. I let her be the boss and she liked that then she started telling really raunchy sex jokes. I know a little bit about most things including sex so I would think of all the really bad sex jokes I had heard in my life and every time Ocha told me a sex joke I told her one back this went on for 2 days and finally Ocha told me , you are not like most of the old women that they have placed up here with me. that was the last of the sexual talk.
From that day forward Ocha thought I was her friend, every morning she would round up 4 trash barrels and drag them up the 3 flight of stairs staking two for me and 2 for her with plastics bags over them for us to set on. We were not suppose to set on the trash barrels but take my word for it no one wanted to cross Ocha about our chairs. I never had a better seat while working at Tyson.
We were such friends that she decided I had to go home with her on my lunch hour to see her house. I didn't want to go but I couldn't get out of going and I did go.
One of the things she told me was this certain bachelor that worked at Tyson had asked her out for a date.
This is the story she told me..
She had a son that was 15 years old and she told her date that he had to pay for a sitter , 4 hours at 8 dollars an hour. She picked a place in Harrson that sold sea food because she didn't eat meat. a very costly place to eat. Ocha ordered lobster and she said she just barely touched her food but of course he had to foot the bill.
On the way out of town he stopped to buy beer and cigarettes, Ocha told him she wanted a carton of Winston cigarettes and a 6 pack of miller beer which he bought for her. Then on the way home he started to take the back roads home and she said where are you going? he told her he needed to take a leak. Ocha told him he could hold it till he got home and to stay on the high way. When he got to her home she gathered up her cigarettes ,beer and baby setting money and told him thank you very much and good night.
His coworkers ask him the next day if he was going to take her out again and he said No! he couldn't afford to take her out. Ocha loved to tell that story.

1 comment:

Donna. W said...

I love the story! thanks for telling it.