Saturday, September 19, 2009


I went to feed and everything is wet. The chickens have not found their way in the house and out into the other pen when they do I am going to block off the pen they have been in and give it a Chance to dry out.
I threw in some of Sammy's dog food for them to snack on this morning. The sun shined yesterday for a while and I hope we see some sun light today. Donna in Mo. is traveling to Harrison today on a motor bike and she is sure to get wet. We have had a few drops of rain already this morning.


Sister--Helen said...

we could use a little of that water but it needs to wait till after Austin's football game this morning.....a big rain would be nice to settle all of this dust...

Donna. W said...

Donna in Mo changed her plans, thanks to your warning. We are in St. Louis on our motorcycle, planning to ride along the Mississpi River today with Cliff's sister and her husband. There is a 60% chance of rain here and in Kansas City tomorrow, so we may still get wet going home; but we are taking that risk.

Galla Creek said...

It did not rain here today...but threatened to all day.