Saturday, September 12, 2009

signs of fall

I went to town yesterday and I hadn't been out traveling the back roads in awhile. I saw many yellow blooming weeds along the road sides. This is a sure sign of fall in our country when you spy the rag weeds and sun flowers putting on their bright yellow dresses.
I had to make a trip to town to try to buy supplies for my wound care. This has been a problem for me for two years because I can't purchase the the things I need in the local wal-mart or the other pharmacy. I went to economy drug to buy a substitute for a paste I needed because the drug store told me that they couldn't get the paste that the hospital had used on my skin to protect my skin and stop the awful burning on my skin.
The drug store has a lobby and on the left is the drug store and on the right I noticed a place that was new to me. It was a saint Johns medical supply, I opened the door and ask the clerk, Do you sell to the public?, They did and I was able to buy the brand name I needed. It name is Adapt paste by Hollister and this stuff is very good stuff!
I was amazed that a small town like Berryville Ar. had a medical supply but I sure am glad they do. The home health brings me supplies but there are things I need sometime that they wont furnish so now I can get what I need when I need it. I was very happy to find this place.


Galla Creek said...

Fall is near. I am glad you got out of the house.

Sunshine said...

Glad you found what you needed.