Thursday, October 08, 2009

I want

one of my sisters has helped the other with her I WANT list. The trouble with a I want list is the "I". We need to learn that some of the things I want is not necessary what we should do The human condition is such that the "I" gets in the way of the "WE" in other words some of the things I want is not the things that will benefit all concerned.
When I was a baby I might see something I wanted but my parents had to decide if what I wanted was the best for me. When we grow up we should be able to decide for our selves if the thing I want is the thing that I need or perhaps what I want soon will be the thing I don't want.


Galla Creek said...

Always remember there is no I in we and we are often sorry when we get what we wish for...doesn't usually turn out like we imagined.

Margie's Musings said...

I really don't want for much. My "want" list is very short. I do want my children to be safe and happy.

Sister--Helen said...

Well this I did not want Mackenzie to leave in the first place and it has been very good for her to go. She has a good life up there but i s about to be uprooted to a new home and school anyway. She had done very well there But I think she will leave here with something she is not able to get anywhere else...She is 10 now and will remember this forever. I never thought that her parents would even consider this but I am sure it will be the last time we will get to spend any time together where I can do and show her things...I think and I pray it will be best for her...I know it will be good for me

Sister--Helen said...

Patsy you are the only one of us alive that remembers Grandpa Powell at also remember Grandma Powell much differently than many of us do...I mostly remember her Knitting and watching soaps...When you speak of them it is always very fondly..More fondly than anyone else you speak of except maybe daddy......I notice in the Family pictures you always tried to stand close to had a bond that none of the rest of us got to have with them...It would be nice if I lived just across the holler form mackenzie where she could come over every day, and she would want to come every day... I want her to remember that we were able to work in the yard together, go to school functions together, read and practice writting together, to tell her stories that she will be the only Grand child to know.. and that she was so special to me,,I just know I can maintain this health for 7 months and if I can't I will send her back before she sees me in to bad of health..Is it selfish on my part..definately ..will she think she is being selfish by wanting to come ...maybe.. will she think I am being selfish.. only after I tell her I am...