Friday, October 02, 2009


I read that David Letterman had been hit with an attempt of black mail. A person told him he had proof Letterman had had sex with some young women that worked for him and if he didn't pay 2 million dollars he would tell the world.
Letterman is 62 years old and the thing the blackmailer didn't under stand was that 62 year old men don't want to keep the fact hidden that they can have sex, they want everyone to know about it. If the blackmailer had said he had proof that Letterman had sex and for 2 million he would release the fact Letterman would have said do you want cash or check? Letterman refused to pay for silence as most 62 year old men would have and Letterman told the world!


Donna. W said...

I was just reading about this, and I love it! I always record Letterman, so Cliff and I will enjoy watching this later on today.

Letterman gets the last laugh.

Sister--Helen said...

I watched it also....they are saying now these women that worked for him may be able to sue him for harrassment...since he has admitted to having sex with him...who knows but from the clip you could tell Letterman was not about to cough up money to this man and maybe it would be nice to have a movie made about him ...
He said it might be embarassing for these to go public...especially for the the impression, for him, not so much...I have to say I do like Letterman and I did find this funny...they picked the wrong guy!!!