I suspect my sister Helen has been benefiting from the trucks remember she has been buying cheap vegetables and spreading them around among friend and neighbors because they are so cheap?
This is going to be the year of the crazies as far as the next presidential campaign is concerned, Donald Trump for president? I thought it was just another of his sales gimpiest but then I thought , Oh good lord don't forget that b grade actor who ran and was president for 8 years and now we find out he had Alzheimer during his years in the white house. So it is possible that the DONALD might be elected after all some southerns white bigots would do anything to get that nigger out of office.
here is a link to the produce I have been getting
it has been going on since 2008. I do not think it is any stolen produce. They even give me a tax deduction reciept because the money goes to St. mary's food bank and they thave rheir tax ID on it...they also said the stuff that is too bad to eat they have farmers pick up to feed to their chickens ect...
Around here, Harvesters gives free food, and you don't have to be poor to get it. Various churches donate their time to pass it out. My brother-in-law was helping with his church for awhile, but he got tired of the ingrates griping about their free food and littering the place with their cigarette butts, and he quit helping.
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