Sunday, February 10, 2008

Do as Mr. Bush says

My daughter bought a new computer. She is spending money and trying to help the economy as Bush wants. My computer expert says it is ok. There is a one year grantee on it and maybe it will last until I am gone to my reward. I don't have a grantee of one year.
The new media is so excited with Obama's win yesterday. I am tired and cold. I plan on spending some time in bed after I finish this post.
I did laugh at daughter, she said the new computer will be mine and old one is yours, right? I said yes. Guess who is gone or asleep for many hours a day. Do you think I will stay off the new computer?


Anonymous said...

Patsy, I am showing JR how to comment on the blogs. He says I am much better looking than you are and does not see how anyone could ever confuse us.


Galla Creek said...

I hope Jr. will make some good comments.

Sister--Helen said...

Love that you got a new computer!