Thursday, July 26, 2012

chickens and tobacco

6 eggs this morning. I will be glad to see the last of these hens. I lost 2 hens the other night. I found them dead in the house in the morning. I don't know what happen. i hadn't noticed them looking Ill or anything like that,. I wondered if a skunk might have managed to get in the hen house.
The golden laced polish chicks are getting their top knots and beards.
We have a breeze this morning. It makes the day seem cooler even if it isn't.
Betty posted a photo of John Moore and that made me think of the time john came to visit daddy and he tried to give daddy 3 packs of cigarettes, daddy was smoking Bull Derham . roll your own. daddy said no and John threw the 3 packs of cigarettes in the back seat of our car. daddy didn't see this so Richard and me took the cigarettes and hide them under the manger in the barn we intended to go back and get them later. we went back and they were gone. I guess the rats carried them off. Richard and I had the tobacco craving  early. Perhaps it stemmed from chewing grandpa Gladdy's tobacco in his cellar.

Betty said Larry said if he knew he only had 6 months to live he would go back to smoking. I understood his way of thinking. You don't ever get rid of the craven for tobacco. It just gets to where you don't crave them
with such  intensity  A person could go back to it at the drop of the hat.
The trouble to going back to smoking is you can hardly breath and yet you can't die.


Galla Creek said...

I am so glad I never got that habit as I am sure I could never kick it. I think even all Dad's sisters smoked but Thelma. Yes, I can remember Grandpa Gaddy and his chewing tobacco. I can remember Grandma being so excited about Pauline Cotner coming to visit, but I don't remember anything about Oma. I found that Bertha's daughter Daisy Beatrice married a man maned Walters and lived out her life in OK. I don't think we even knew she existed. In 1930, Bertha teaching school in Bartlesville, OK. I think she had died before 1940. I don't even know where she is buried. She was married to Lewis Absalom Williams and in 1930 they have 3 kids. They married in 1920 as they are already married by the time of the census.

Sister--Helen said...

guess you got a good rain Betty sure did...I love this laptop...thank you so much sister...I left the "patsy" on the opening screen I will never forget. I miss all of you.