Tuesday, September 01, 2009

blue hen

Do you think she would lay blue eggs?
It is a cool day and the first of September. Winter is around the corner.
I took a wheel barrow of wood chips for the chicks and they spread it around really well because I put a scoop of crack corn on the top which ended on the bottom when I dumped the pile. You should have seen them scratch. They are 16 weeks old now.


Judy said...

We are having very cool weather here, too. It was in the high 40s this morning and in the high 60s today with sun. I have been trimming some limbs off trees. I love being outside in this kind of weather. Love that blue chicken.

Galla Creek said...

They will be laying soon. I love the blue hen.

Margie's Musings said...

Wonderful blue chicken! We too have wonderful weather.