Wednesday, September 16, 2009

It is racism pure and simple

Now the White House says Jimmy Carter is wrong when he said that Joe Wilson's attack on the President was not based on race. I was stumped as to why Obama issued that statement and then I thought as to where he had lives most of his life, first Hawaii and then Harvard and I realized that Obama has never lived in the south.
People who are not familiar with the south find it hard to peal away the layers of deceit and find the racism bedded deeply in the southern culture.
Obama you had better take notice of Jimmy Carter and what he has said. He has lived all his life in the south and he knows what some people are capable of doing in regard to race.
Just because the Joe Wilsons of this world come to Washington and put on the mask and shake the black leaders hand don't mean that they have forgot what they learned at their mother's knee.
Joe Wilson has been a member Sons of Confederate Veterans which fought to keep the Confederate flag flying over the South Carolina state house and is more of racist than people know.
Mr. Wilson is a proud member of “The Sons of Confederate Veterans.” It’s a racist group, as documented by the Southern Poverty Law Center. For the last ten years, the organization has been run by radical neo-Confederates who favor secession and defend slavery as a benign institution.
I have heard this statement all of my life. "The negro is fine as long as they stay in their place!"
What they don't say is the Negro's place is under the foot of white Southerners!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Mike and I went out to dinner this evening and ended up siting by some very bias people on the right. I was have trouble not joking on my food....let's see...Obama is a Marxis and Jimmy Cater said all white people are racist. If I could have "farted" on command as we left...I would have done it in this 30 year olds face!