Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Race and hate

Finally someone who is in the public eye has said that all the stuff being thrown at Obama is racism and he included the little man in the house Rep. Joe Wilson in the statement Of course it is racism just as this sign being displayed by this smiling women. Three cheers for the little guy from Georgia ,President Jimmy Carter.
racism is so inbreed in the public lives that it is covered with layers of denial but with the election of a black man to the office of President it has came bubbling to the surface and we can see what our country really is about.
I remember in the
'60 during the time of the struggle of Blacks to gain their rights many people augured that ever thing was just fine the way it was and everyone was happy if people would just leave everybody alone but it wasn't alright as soon became obvious in the reaction of the racist people in this country and that is what is happening now.
In the past on this blog I stated that racism is alive and well in this country and the hate filled speech being heard of late proves the fact. The birthers, tea party's and all the town hall shouting about the president's programs are just because he is black and not fit to be in the White House in their opinion. I believe our President's very life is in danger and the secret service had better be on guard! Another page of shame may be written in our history books.
I remember when Obama was running for the president and some one ask his wife if she was worried about his safety and she told them " My husband faces danger when he goes to the car wash." This is true Black people are targets in their cars, in the streets and in their homes every day in our country and most of the time it is our law-in-forcement officials who are behind the persecution.
Wake-up America and call it what it is, racism pure and simple!


Sister--Helen said...

and these people are smiling....

Judy said...

Amen Patsy! You are so right. I have been saying the same thing all along. That Wilson guy is such a racist and I think it was so obvious. I fear for our President as well.

Donna. W said...

Right on.

I LOVE Jimmy Carter, but I'm always hesitant to admit it because he is so hated by some. The reason most people can't stand him, although they don't realize this, is that he is blatantly honest. While other politicians try to put on a false face, he does not. What you see is what you get.

Linda said...

Patsy, you are on target. Racism is alive and well in this country. South Carolina has a long history of sending racists to Washington. In 1856 their Representative was so enraged by a speech made by a Senator from Massacchusetts that he found the man sitting at his desk and proceded to beat him with his cane until he broke it. By the time two other congressmen pulled him off, the wounded man lay unconsicous on the floor, his injuries so severe it was three years before he was able to return to the Senate. I believe we're close to that kind of behavior today.