Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Times are a changing

The tar baby story from my childhood was as follows Brer Fox creates the tar-baby to capture Brer Rabbit. He places it where it can be seen from the road, and when Brer Rabbit passes by and encounters the tar baby, the baby won't reply to his questions. Brer Rabbit loses his temper. He hits the tar-baby and gets stuck, just as Brer Fox planned. The interesting part is that Brer Fox must have known Brer Rabbit would lose his temper like that, since he planned a trap that required the rabbit to hit the tar-baby. This tar baby story from my childhood is a good example of times they are a changing.
Mr Robert McDonnell is running for governor of Virgina and a thesis he wrote 20 years ago, which was an excepted view at that time has come back to haunt him..His thesis is a tar baby for McDonnell and like the rabbit he can't turn it loose.
The views he wrote at that time were the popular view then but times have changed.
Mr. McDonnell wrote he blamed homosexuality, declining morality, out of wedlock sex, birth control, day care, working mother,divorce and feminist would cause the decline of the country.......sounding like an Old Testament prophet, Mr. McDonnell wrote that government must discriminate in favor of married couples and against "cohabitants, homosexuals or fornicators," for "the cost of sin should fall on the sinner not the taxpayer."
The views expressed by Mr. McDonnell was popular then but like the tar baby story which I have read is believed now to be racist, The tar baby being a depiction of the Negro race, now are signs of the changing views in our country.
Mr. McDonnell is trying to separate himself from his early statements since he wants to be governor which only goes to prove McDonnell will say any thing if he thinks it will help him in his career. I think most political candidates do the same.


Donna. W said...

I agree. They're all out for themselves.

I sure wish we had a real choice in the elections.

Everybody is so scared of homosexuals; they are the LEAST of our problems.

Sister--Helen said...

You can not find the tar baby book in a library or our schools any more...I have a copy I boudht on ebayfrom another country