Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Hannah Aday

May God bless the beautiful red haired girl and make her well and strong so grandma can smile and have a happy song in her heart.
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What has four wings, pretty blue eyes and walks with a swagger?
No, it’s not a joke – it’s a real bird and it’s called a guin.
The strange-looking fowl is a hybrid of a chicken and a guinea fowl.
The chick, named Tulip, hatched in Lyn Newman’s coop.
Mrs Newman had brought in two guinea fowl to act as a warning system for foxes, but did not know they could breed with her hens.
Mrs Newman, 59, raises a number of fowl in Defford, Worcestershire, but she was astonished when one of her eggs hatched into an odd looking bird even she couldn't identify.
The tiny bird was covered in clumps of feathers and - most strangely of all - had four wings.
Mrs Newman, a retired social care worker had to trawl the internet before she realised that the bizarre bird was a hybrid.
A rogue guinea had mated with one of her hens - and the result was this ugly chick - who has since been named Tulip.
The four wings are a result of a genetic mutation because of the cross-species breeding.
Mrs Newman said: 'I was just shocked when I saw that this thing that hatched had four wings.
'I couldn't believe my eyes. I had no idea what it was until I did some digging around on the internet.
'As well as having extra wings, the bird is also much smaller and is a totally different shape.'I was shocked when I found out it was a cross between a guinea and a chicken - you just don't expect it. Apparently the cross is very rare.
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Monday, November 29, 2010

screaming guineas

You are not going to believe what my rotten guineas are doing, they are going down to my neighbor's back door where they have these 2 dogs in a small pen the guineas are getting in a wild cherry tree next to the back door and screaming at the dogs. The racket they make is unbelievable. I guess I will have to leave them penned up for awhile.


Rain here now! I got 6 eggs yesterday and 2 were the blue eggs. You know nothing is prettier than the big warm brown eggs. The guineas were yelling turn us out but I thought it was going to rain and as I have said before the guineas and rain don't do well.

My nephews wife is going to bring me a easter egger rooster so that means I will have to make other arrangements for my guineas in the hen pen.

Julian Assange

This just blows my mind that this man publishing all these documents and it seems to me that most of the damaging information is about the United States I wonder what will hapen next?.
The man behind WikiLeaks, the website that published more than 91,000 secret U.S. military documents on the Afghanistan war as well as previously secret video of a deadly American helicopter attack in Baghdad in 2007, doesn't much care whether government agencies are enraged by his actions.
Julian Assange has described himself as an "information activist" — get the information out there and let what happens happen, the Australian-born founder of WikiLeaks has said publicly. But it's also been said that Assange rarely sleeps in the same place two nights in a row because of concerns about his own safety.
Yesterday I saw a report on my computer that hackers had literal shut down WiKiLeaks but that certain newspapers had the information and would start to publish the Leaks, It is not unbelievable to me to think that the governments around the world were trying to stop the Leaks.
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Sunday, November 28, 2010

guinaes and chickens

The older guineas are enjoying the out side and the younger guineas want out with them but I am afraid they will fight and I will have a time getting the younger guineas back into the hen pen.
My red hens are in molt so they don't lay many eggs and the blue eggers were just started to lay again then we had the cold snap and they are in revolt again. I think I will cull the blue eggers chickens if they don't do a remarkable turn around in the spring with their egg laying. I can't see the sense in feeding a bunch of chickens that don't lay on a regular basis.
I am feeding the guineas and they don't lay at all but I do enjoy hearing them yell.


Clayton has a boo boo!

It is cold in here this morning and I dread going out to feed.

The long week-end is about over, Janet has to go back to work tomorrow and Fleta also. I had to unhook the water hose and now when all my water is gone from the storage containers I will have to carry water from the house. I always carry hot water from the house in the winter to give the chicks a drink. I only gathered 2 eggs yesterday. One blue and one brown.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

ill never smoke weed with willie again.

Willie Nelson

SIERRA BLANCA, Texas, Nov. 26 (UPI) -- Country music star Willie Nelson has been released from Hudspeth County Jail in Texas after he was charged with possession of 6 ounces of marijuana.
TMZ said Nelson, 77, was arrested Friday morning when his tour bus was stopped at a Border Patrol checkpoint in Sierra Blanca.
He was booked into the county lockup on a $2,500 bond, which he quickly posted and was released later in the day, the celebrity news Web site said
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Jerry Clower - A Coon Huntin Story

Another coon hunter, Marj!

Friday, November 26, 2010

fat lip

Obama has a fat lip . He was playing defense and used his mouth on a opposing players elbow.
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bad parrot

A young man named John received a parrot as a gift. The parrot had a bad attitude and an even worse vocabulary.Every word out of the bird's mouth was rude, obnoxious and laced with profanity. John tried and tried to change the bird's attitude by consistently saying only polite words, playing soft music and anything else he could think of to 'clean up' the bird's vocabulary.Finally, John was fed up and he yelled at the parrot. The parrot yelled back. John shook the parrot and the parrot got angrier and even more rude. John, in desperation, threw up his hand, grabbed the bird and put him in the freezer. For a few minutes the parrot squawked and kicked and screamed. Then suddenly there was total quiet. Not a peep was heard for over a minute. Fearing that he'd hurt the parrot, John quickly opened the door to the freezer. The parrot calmly stepped out onto John's outstretched arms and said "I believe I may have offended you with my rude language and actions. I'm sincerely remorseful for my inappropriate transgressions and I fully intend to do everything I can to correct my rude and unforgivable behavior."John was stunned at the change in the bird's attitude. As he was about to ask the parrot what had made such a dramatic change in his behavior, the bird spoke-up, very softly, "May I ask what the turkey did?"
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Thursday, November 25, 2010

Dinner at McDonnels

This is Marlyn Murphy, Helen's lawyer.
Helen called today she was on her way to California riding shot gun for Missy and Benjamin. She was laughing because she had just pasted a McDonnell's and saw Mike entering the place of business. She said he was eating Thanksgiving dinner at McDonnell's.

Season Premiere- Tom DeLay - Dancing With The Stars

he will do well in prison.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

no delay for DeLay

Know as the Hammer Tom Delay has been hammered in court and can face life in prison.
AUSTIN, Texas — Former U.S. House Majority Leader Tom DeLay — once one of the most powerful and feared Republicans in Congress — was convicted Wednesday on charges he illegally funneled corporate money to Texas candidates in 2002.
Jurors deliberated for 19 hours before returning guilty verdicts against DeLay on charges of money laundering and conspiracy to commit money laundering. He faces up to life in prison on the money laundering charge.
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Kansas City Mo.

The first showed up before the sun Tuesday, huddling and shivering in the cold and the dark. Others soon came, and before long their numbers stretched a block on both sides of Mechanic Street in front of Harrisonville’s Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church.People drove from three or four counties away. Buses arrived, bellowing exhaust into the cold, bringing loads of schoolkids and senior citizens. People took off work. Some brought dogs. Farmers parked pickups nearby.It wasn’t a fire, but a burning sense of what was the decent thing to do for one of their own who had given his all.By 9 a.m., an hour before the funeral of Army Cpl. Jacob R. Carver, an estimated 2,000 to 3,000 people, many of them waving American flags, lined nearly a half-mile of the street in front of the church, making sure Fred Phelps and his Westboro Baptist Church/family congregation were crowded out, peacefully kept far from shouting distance of the funeral
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At 105, she battles SSA over death declaration

At 105, she battles SSA over death declaration

A 105-year-old Fort Myers woman might be old, but she's not dead.
Try telling that to the federal government.
Gladys Malarkey is alive again after she became bureaucratically deceased recently due to a Social Security Administration worker's snafu, WBBH reported Tuesday.

When face with the living 105 year old woman the SSA said I guess we will have to do a resurrection.
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Old Fashioned Raisin Pie I Recipe

Raisin Pie receipt

This post is for Helen , receipt for raisin pie. buy pie crust at store either a package that has two crust or buy 2 packages with crust in each.
Turn oven on to 350 degrees , dump some raisins in a pot pour some water on raisins, pour on some sugar add dash of salt. put pot on burner and bring to boil stir in 2 table spoons of flour paste, make paste in tea cup some flour add cold water mix into flour. pour flour gup into boiling raisins. turn off heat. Dump raisins in mixture into one store pie shell fill to brim if any raisins left over put in frig for another day. take number two crust and dump on top of raisins pie cut some holes in crust sprinkle with sugar and put dots of margarine around on top of pie. bake till crust turns golden brown. let cool and eat.

Does this remind you of the school children's receipts for Thanksgiving? now when I make pumpkin pie I follow the receipt on the pumpkin can and always use canned evaporated milk. I measure everything for pumpkin pie cause if you don't it can be a big mess. either it will separate or curdle either way it is a mess. If there is no receipt on the can I dig out my good house keeping cook book that I have had for 50 years and follow that receipt for pumpkin pie. That receipt is the same as the one on Libby's canned pumpkin . Helen told me last year Libby's canned pumpkin is really squash mixed with pumpkin. Oh well!

cool chicks

Helen was telling how the hospital blocked my post calling it porn. I had decided that when I put the word Chicks in my title that some people who are looking for entrainment of a sexual nature get to my site in a back handed way. makes me gleeful to fool them. so hello from the cool chicks.

Perhaps Tyson blocks porn and some people will have trouble viewing my post or the Green Forest library . I know I have readers on both of these places.
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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The wild geese

The dog whined at 9:30 tonight and I took her out for a romp. We had a down pour early and the clouds were moving across the sky and then I heard the call of the wild goose. I stood and listened as they made their way across the dark sky flying from the north to the south.
I love the sound of the Canadian geese. It is a lonesome sound and it makes me stand and listen when I hear their song . They are calling "winter is coming and we are out of here!"
I made pumpkin pie and raisin pie early and they are cooling on the rack now.


Olympia, Washington residents -- and their pet cats -- are under siege. A vicious band of raccoons has taken on the city, killing ten cats, attacking a dog and at least one pet owner who ended up getting rabies shots. The woman who was attacked by the raccoon band now carries an iron pipe when she goes out of doors. Others are carrying pepper spray to ward off the fierce coons. In fact, a neighborhood raccoon watch has been created, the initial meeting drawing a remarkable 40 people. One of the primary goals of the group is to get people to stop feeding the raccoons and to keep food products -- including pet food -- inside. The woman who was attacked indicated that she and her neighbors used to love raccoons. But, now things have changed. They feel the raccoons went nuts. Indeed, in one case a group of five raccoons attempted to carry off a dog -- the dog managing to escape and survive the attack. Traps are not that helpful in catching raccoons because the animals teach their young how to avoid traps.
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Monday, November 22, 2010

Feral Chickens of Kaua'i

Hollywood birds

The Hollywood Freeway chickens are a colony of feral chickens that live under the Vineland Avenue off-ramp of the Hollywood Freeway (U.S. Route 101) in Los Angeles, California. It is not definitively known how they came to be there.
[edit] Origins and backgrounds
Chickens underneath the Vineland off-ramp became local celebrities upon their arrival sometime around 1970. Some residents appreciated the offbeat flavor they brought to the metropolitan area. Commuters on the highway would sometimes provide them aid by tossing food out their windows as they drove by. However, there were also many citizens who found them to be a nuisance. In the late 1970s, the Department of Animal Regulation responded to those opposing the chickens by removing nearly a hundred of the hens and roosters and relocating them to a ranch in Simi Valley, California. But not every member of the flock was apprehended, and those that remained spawned a new population. Subsequent removal efforts in the following years all had a similar outcome.
Beginning in the 1990s, twenty years after the colony's arrival, various individuals started coming forward claiming to know the mystery of their origin. Among them:
In 1990, Jeff Stein of Granada Hills, California claimed that in 1968, when his wife Janet and her twin sister were 12, they learned that a nearby school that raised animals was closing and that its resident chickens would be killed. The twins scooped them up and succeeded in hiding them at home until the roosters started waking up every morning at 5 a.m. The chickens couldn't stay, so the girls hiked through a field to an open area near the freeway and deposited two pillowcases full of them there.
In 1992, a North Hollywood man who would give only his first name ("Michael") claimed that as a child he and his brother put their pet chickens under the freeway after neighbors repeatedly complained about them. "We were afraid to confess after (their numbers) got out of hand because we thought the city would bill us", he said.
And the widely believed, but never verified explanation about an overturned poultry truck on the freeway resurfaced in 2000 when Joe Silbert of Laguna Hills, California claimed to be the driver of the legendary vehicle, saying, "I tried to avoid a lady who cut in front of me and I turned over. I was taking anywhere from 500 to 1,000 chickens back from the Valley to a slaughterhouse in L.A. They were all hens. We never picked up roosters. These were hens that had stopped laying. They would eat but not produce, so they were costing farmers money. Anyway, I had a crate of eggs on the seat beside me, and when I turned over, my head fell into the crate. But I wasn't hurt. I started chasing one chicken and it was on the TV news that night." A colony of hens no longer laying eggs would naturally not be able to renew itself, making this explanation rather dubious.
Nevertheless, there was at least one witness to the overturned poultry truck explanation. A driver on the way to work in Glendale was proceeding south on the 5 Freeway when she spotted three cars off to the side of the road that had been involved in a multiple rear-end collision. Blood and feathers were all over the freeway. On the overpass right above the accident site was a truck loaded with poultry cages, and each cage contained multiple chickens. Below, on the freeway, a smashed poultry cage was off to one side, and chickens could be seen walking around in the freeway meridian (which did not have walls at the time).
This peculiar chapter of Los Angeles history was going to be commemorated in 1984 with a large mural painted along the north wall of the Hollywood Freeway (link to the mural), but was ultimately rejected for funding and not completed.
The "freeway chickens" remain a quirky part of the L.A. urban landscape to this day.

wrecked chickens

Why did 3000 chickens cross the road? Because the lorry they were in crashed on one of Scotland's busiest motorways, that's why.
Thousands of runaway chickens brought traffic to a standstill after a transporter lorry crashed on a busy road near Glasgow.This took mplace in 2007 but I suppose some of the birds are still running free.
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dinner and family plans

I have been awake for ever it seems and it is still not 6 O'clock. It gets dark so early these days it seems and day light take for ever to arrive.

Janet had visitors last evening two friends from work came by and stayed for awhile.

I have to make pies Wednesday and Begin to think about cooking Thanksgiving dinner. Helen is going to California and will be opting out on cooking the big dinner. I guess mike will have to go to McDonald's for dinner. Helen always made such a production on holidays meals I bet he will feel strange not have a big dinner.

Brother said he was going south for Thanksgiving. I don't know if Fleta is cooking or not. Betty will probably go to the daughters for her meal. I bet Erin will have a large meal with lots of fating deserts. Kelly is having company for Thanksgiving dinner. I haven't heard from Tony maybe his daughter will drive up for the week-end.

I am cooking ham and potatoes for the big dinner. Janet put in for a vacation day so she will have a long foot ball week-end.

The wind is still howling out side my door. It has blew like that for 24 hours. Wish it would lay.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Feliz Navidad

guineas in the tree

I went out to lock the guineas in their pen they were in the cherry tree sounding the alarm.after several minutes of calling down they flew landing almost in my lap after a few minutes the neighbor's two sons appeared not for from the tree where the guineas had been so I figures the little devils had been after my guineas.

I went in and told sammy what I suspected so he went out and shouted at them to go some where else. He told them he came out often and would shoot his rifle down in that area and if they were there they would get shot. They took off and perhaps they will not come back.

TSA's New Groping and Fondling Policy

New Airport Scanners Too Revealing?

Transportation Security Administration (TSA

Have you been keeping up with all the outrage in the new about TSA and their scan and search policies? People are howling at the moon over this . One women was wearing a skirt and she said the female patter downer ran her hand up her leg and bruised her groin. She reported she suffered pain for days after the search.

One fellow had a urine bag and he said the patter upper made it leak and he was outraged he had piss on him as he entered the plain. I wonder if the patter upper got piss on his hand and how he felt about pissy hands?

In general everyone is outraged about the searches some claim that the patter uppers are sexual predators and they TSA is allowing children to be touched in such a manner that is fertile ground for child molesters to try to gain employment.

The scanners are objected to because of radiation and I suppose if you fly often you might not want that exposure after all if you go to the hospital you are xray if you go to a dentist xray coming up and now if you are employed by the airways you could be exposed every day to xray and I think they might have a reason to fear the scanner.

As for everyone else I see the answer is plain just don't fly. Stay home and save money. The people could put the airlines out of business in 6 months or less. Throw the patter uppers and downers in the unemployment lines and they will feel right at home.
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Saturday, November 20, 2010

Henry's Hog is ready to butcher.

henry's yard

shirley funeral

Billy Hunt
Ins ray Crawford

Letricia Burell